If you’ve resolved to get better control of the temperature levels in your home, it is high time you installed a thermostat. This important device helps to regulate the temperature around your space.

Electrical appliances such as air conditioners, heaters, freezers, and ovens overheat sometimes and need cooling. Also, there are periods when they may get too cold and require heating. These are scenarios where a thermostat comes into play.

The device is designed to maintain a specific temperature point by using temperature sensors to cause a device to switch on or off at the setpoint level. Therefore, there is no need to emphasize the importance of a thermostat and why it should be placed in your home. Now, we’ll move on to how to install a thermostat in a house.

However, before diving into installing your new thermostat, it is imperative to look at any existing one and its electrical connections carefully. This is to evaluate whether the present configuration is fit to run your new device or requires additional wires.

This check should also include examining the space or faceplate left behind and its suitability for the newly-purchased thermostat. Also, you should ensure that all the materials and equipment needed for the installation are available. They include:

  •     Screwdriver.
  •     Electric Drill or Driver.
  •     Masking Tape.
  •     Marker.
  •     Camera.
  •     Level.

After conducting the necessary inspection and perhaps adjustments, and you feel convinced that you are good to go, here are the steps to follow on how to install a thermostat in your house.

Step 1: Dismount the old thermostat

Indeed, to install a new thermostat in your home, you will have to let go of the old one. First and foremost, switch off the circuit breaker of your air conditioning unit and furnace. Next, remove the cover of the existing thermostat – make it come off easily by unsnapping it with little pressure. Some covers are fastened to the thermostat with screws, and you should use a screwdriver if that’s the case.

After removing the cover, unscrew the metal fasteners holding the thermostat to the wall. Then, with the utmost care, pull out the old thermoregulator while keeping the electrical connections intact.

Step 2: Mark the wires for easy identification

You may have been wondering why you should leave the wires connected after dismounting the old thermostat. It is to put a label on them to make future connections easier. This is done by attaching a tiny piece of masking tape to each wire. On each tape attached to a wire, scribble the letter that indicates where the wire was connected in the old thermostat.

Step 3: Detach the wires from the thermostat

Ordinarily, installing a thermostat in your home requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication. But this particular step demands extra care to prevent a botched installation attempt. It entails detaching the wires from the old thermostat and taping them to the wall; the latter is to keep the cables from getting pulled back into the wall cavity.

Step 4: Mount the faceplate and confirm the wiring

At this stage, you are expected to take another look at the existing thermostat’s electrical configurations before installing the new one’s faceplate. You can begin by checking whether the old thermostat was directly connected to a power source or not.

The presence of only two wires means the former device was not directly wired, and you will need a thermostat able to run on batteries. Meanwhile, the presence of two or more wires indicates that the prior connection was from a power source.

After confirming the wiring configuration, you may mount the faceplate on the wall using the available screws. Then, in preparation for reconnection, pass the wires through the provided space in the faceplate.

Step 5: Connect the wires and finish the installation

Using the earlier markers, match and connect the tagged wires to their appropriate spots on the new thermostat. If necessary, install batteries before attaching your new device to the faceplate. Finally, screw or snap the thermostat cover back onto the device to wrap up the job.

Before you move on to other things, run a quick check on your newly-installed thermostat by turning on the switch to restore power to your HVAC system.


As inferred earlier, installing a new thermostat can be quite arduous, especially on the first attempt. Also, this article may have already explained every piece of information for this task in detail, but it is still okay to have a few queries for better understanding. Therefore, here are answers to some questions frequently asked on how to install a thermostat in a house.

1. What is the average lifespan of a thermostat?

Most home thermostats do not have a set lifespan. But it is a general belief that a thermostat begins to near its end after ten years of constant use.

2. Where should I install my thermostat?

It is best to situate your thermostat in a central position in your house. That said, this location must be a reasonable distance away from influences, such as kitchen cookers, that could cause temporary fluctuations in its readings.

3. How long does it take to install a thermostat?

Without the need for new wiring connections, installing a thermostat should take no more than an hour. However, installing one that requires a new wiring structure might take a little more than two hours.

Above are DIY guidelines and other helpful information on how to install a thermostat in the house. Typically, this is a straightforward job that can be completed without any unique skill set. However, the process may become a little complicated at times due to the need for additional wires to run from the HVAC system to the thermostat.

If you are unsure about anything, it is recommended to seek professional help. Anderson Air, a reputable company, made up of experts in this field, will be happy to assist. You can visit https://andersonair.com/residential/thermostat-installation/ for professional help and information about how to install a thermostat in the home.

The post How To Install a Thermostat in Your House appeared first on Mom Blog Society.


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